
发表时间:2019-03-25 08:51

      2019年3月21日,巴布亚新几内亚《国民报》(The National)采访了我司驻巴布亚新几内亚莫尔兹比港的项目组成员,释放出抗疟项目成果报告将于下月公布的信息。







    A MEDICAL team from China who brought anti-        malaria medicine will present its first pilot project report next month.



         Research assistant Nadia Julie told The National that the team was ready to present a summary report of the Kiriwina malaria elimination project in Milne Bay.



"The presentation will include the activities done, the results and the outcomes throughout last year," Julie said. "Dr Li Guoming, Dr Zhang Zhen Yan and Dr Lin Nan Song who made contact with local health workersand trained locals to handle the treatment of drugs will also share their views."



Julie said more than 95 per cent of the population had been treated and positive feedbacks were received.



She said test results provided by the provincial health authority showed that the number of people infected in the islands had decreased.



The results would be handed over to the National Health Authority and the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine for review.



Volunteers treating the people at KiriwinaIslands in Milne Bay.(志愿者在米尔恩湾省基里维纳岛发药治疗



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